Wednesday, May 8, 2024

3 Important Business Tasks a Data Analyst Performs


Does your firm employ a data analyst? Their feedback could help you devise strategies to advance growth.

Data analysts are having more and more impact on the way we do business, every day. They are the people capable of picking apart all of that information that companies encounter during the daily running. They analyse the data for useful information, retrieve that information on the firms’ behalf, and then use it to create viable solutions to previously unforeseen problems. Without the ability to analyse data, the modern business wouldn’t have the use of programs like Google Analytics, nor would those programs even exist.

The role of the data analyst has evolved to play a pivotal part in the advancement of modern business. Why? It is through analysing the data we receive about consumers that we can better understand our target audience. Without filling Data analyst Jobs on our company’s behalf, we don’t receive the feedback, nor the means to decipher it, that our competitors might already be tapping in to. If we want to stay ahead of our industry, we need to process data in manageable ways.

Data Analysts Drive Growth in Business, Here’s How

Here are three important tasks a data analyst performs for your business that you probably haven’t ever thought of before. Here are three ways they are essential to processing data and creating new leads to advance your business’s position within its sector.

1 – Analyse Historical Data

By analysing your firm’s historical data, a data analyst can look for patterns that may be problematic. A true business analyst examines past data to find shortcomings in operations. They examine business based data to find processes which could be updated, improved, or made more secure. They drive decisions using the feedback from historic data, basing business and software development decision around the past actions the company has documented.

Analysing historical data helps companies break down any remaining big data dumps they still have. It allows the retrieval of important information that can help stop businesses repeating the mistakes of the past. It can also help you tap into unused potential. For example, can you remember which marketing campaigns worked last Christmas or the year before?

2 – They Identify New Processes

It is only by examining the day to day running of your business, that you can find areas to improve it. Identifying new processes is the act of checking back into the past to examine how things work for now. It could be that one department is providing documentation and reports for another department, when the second department doesn’t even need them. This is the kind of business process that a data analyst can spot and rectify.

3 – Data Analysts Help Make Better Business Decisions

By using the historical data your company has to hand, and by analysing new ways to approach old problems, a data analytics expert can drive new leads, unlock business growth, and improve your company’s overall potential. What we might be better asking ourselves is what happens to our business if we don’t use the data we earn to unlock new business potential? Data analysis is a simple answer to an ongoing, complex problem.

Zayd Dana
the authorZayd Dana