
Modern Tech is Assisting Individuals With Hearing Loss


There are millions of people throughout the world who are affected by hearing loss, which can range from mild to moderate to severe. Many people whose hearing has been compromised have benefited tremendously from the progress made in the subject of audiology, which is a branch of science that deals with hearing and the problems associated with it.

The technology used in hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other assistive listening equipment has advanced significantly over the last few decades. This article will examine some of the more recent advancements that have been made in hearing technology.

The Most Common Forms of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can typically be broken down into three categories, which are as follows:

  • Conductive hearing loss is a hearing loss related to mechanical issues in which the sound has difficulty moving from the outer ear to the eardrums and middle ear bones. Several different factors can cause conductive hearing loss, including an excessive amount of earwax, the presence of fluid in the middle ear, otosclerosis, a hole in the eardrum, or even if certain materials, such as cotton from earbuds, get caught in the ear canal. Many of these issues are amenable to treatment, be it medical or surgical.
  • One of the most prevalent types of hearing loss is known as sensorineural hearing loss, which is brought on by damage to the nerves in the inner ear. This disease may have been brought on by acoustic trauma, often known as exposure to loud noises, acoustic neuroma, age, a head injury, or a combination of these and other factors. Even though sensorineural hearing loss can’t be fixed, it can be treated with hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other devices that help people hear better.
  • Mixed hearing loss is effectively a combination of the categories of hearing loss discussed earlier in this paragraph.

Why Should You Get Your Hearing Checked?

The majority of us lead rather hectic lifestyles these days. Because of this, certain things will have to be moved to the end of the queue. However, delaying things is never a smart idea for your health, especially when it could have serious consequences. This is particularly true regarding having your hearing examined by a professional.

You might be thinking that this is one exam that you can postpone for some time, notably if you haven’t experienced any symptoms up until this point. However, there are several highly compelling arguments in favour of regular checkups, be it an online hearing test or a physical one. Here are some reasons why you should get your hearing checked.

Improved Relationships Within the Family

In many cases, members of the affected person’s family are the ones who first become aware of their hearing loss. This can lead to conflicts about the volume of TV and movies, as well as disagreements regarding who said what about a specific topic. People tend to read too much into your actions if it seems like you are ignoring them (rather than just not hearing them). After you get the results of your hearing test, you will be able to take steps to solve any problems, such as family fights.

Listening to the Little Things That You Have Missed

Hearing tests give the audiologist a strategic plan to establish the location of any hearing loss that may have happened and the most effective way to programme hearing aids so that you can hear sounds in the range in which you previously had difficulty hearing them.

That means you’ll hear things you haven’t heard in a while, like the ticking of a clock, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, or the giggling of kids. It’s sure to put a smile on your face no matter what the day!

‘Doing Away With The Uncertainty

If you’re thinking about getting your hearing checked out, it’s likely because you have some concerns about the quality of your hearing. Living in a state of constant uncertainty is taxing. Hearing tests are non-invasive, so no discomfort is involved, and they only take about an hour of your time. When you have the results in hand, you will be able to decide how it is best to proceed. The realisation that hearing aids will enhance one’s quality of life brings a sense of relief to many people.

Improved Relations with Other People

When you are unable to hear bits of a conversation owing to background noise or when people assume that you are standoffish, engaging in social interactions might be unpleasant. There is also the potential for the employee to miss out on specific details of what the supervisor has to say during a meeting.

Aren’t you sick of asking people to repeat themselves or responding with “What?” when they speak to you? A number of studies have found that having better hearing is linked to better health in general.

Having a broader perspective

Hearing loss isn’t a universal affliction. Your hearing loss may indicate something more serious, and you may not meet the requirements for those who typically lose their hearing. It is more common for people to seek medical attention for an earwax infection or blockage than for cardiovascular or kidney problems. Because hearing loss can be linked to dementia and depression, it’s vital to know this.

After reading about some of the advantages of getting a hearing test, you may want to put it at the top of your list of priorities. Take the time to go to the visits that are most important to your hearing health.

Hearing Technology

It often seems that technology is improving at such a rapid-fire pace that it’s hard to keep up. It’s hard to believe these changes have occurred in over a generation! Advanced technology isn’t just in the entertainment domain; it’s also impacted the world of health care. Patients with hearing loss may soon benefit from some incredible technological breakthroughs that are taking place.

Smart Caption Glasses: A Blessing for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

It would seem strange, but people who have trouble hearing will benefit from the use of a device that was designed for the eyes only. These “smart caption glasses” use augmented reality (AR) to show live subtitles to people who are deaf or hard of hearing in the audience.

The smart glasses function by showcasing the conversation in actual time as the character says it. Software that tracks live speech and responds to stage directions, like changes in lighting, makes this possible. This makes sure that the subtitles show up in the right place.

After that, the words are wirelessly transmitted to the glasses using Wi-Fi. People in the crowd who are wearing the glasses can respond to important things, like jokes, at the same time as the rest of the crowd.

Numerous advantages can be gained from utilising this technology. Customers have to look away from the action to look at the off-stage monitors or conversation cards, which is distracting and makes it harder for them to get into the show.

It was an early alternate notion, but it would have been just as troublesome to have the words flashed on the customers’ smartphone screens. In the end, the smart glasses were chosen as the winner. The technology behind them took two years to reach its full potential.

Zayd Dana
the authorZayd Dana