Virus marketing and direct
Not much marketing approach technique. There are many ways to approach potential customers. There are two very interesting marketing approaches, because of their specific techniques. They are viral marketing and direct marketing.
Viral Marketing is a marketing technique that uses social networks, both online and offline, to transmit messages or advertisements, through the process of viruses that replicate themselves. This process resembles to spread computer viruses or biological viruses.
Almost everything can be the subject of viral marketing effects: information, web links, video clips, e-books, etc.
Viral marketing expansion methods can:
By word of mouth – simple communication between people who know each other.
Social media like Facebook is a perfect example of virus media. The number of people who use this service is very large. This member of the social media environment is very well connected, because each user has many contacts. Finally, the method of sharing ideas or messages is very simple, through various sharing techniques.
“Invite your friends” call from various electronic services. Messages that provoke the act of moving important parts of the population who want to share messages, but they do not want to invest in business.
The advantage of viral marketing is needed a little or no investment. Viral marketing system is powered by the will of transmitters to forward more messages. Extraordinary exponential growth strength. If everyone distributes information to 5 people and then, this gives 3,125 people based on information after 5 levels of the original message transfer. Viral marketing experts know this formula very well, therefore, viral marketing is part of the marketing technique portfolio.
The disadvantage is that viral marketing is not reliable as a standard information transfer method, because it is not possible for every idea to be transferred at the same level. Simply put, the results of a viral marketing campaign cannot be predicted, because the strength of the campaign depends on many parameters.
Also “Virus Competition” determines the effectiveness of viral campaigns. If two similar campaigns are present in the same period as the same audience, it is likely that social groups will transfer messages that seem to be more interesting at this time.
There is no secret formula for the success of the Viral Marketing Campaign Guarantee, but good ideas, with humor tones, anticipation and added value elements can help viral marketing campaigns to succeed.
On the other hand, direct marketing is a sales method where advertisers approach potential customers directly with advertising, products or services. The most common direct marketing method is telephone sales, requested or unsolicited emails, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, direct visits, etc.
There are two main differences that distinguish it from other types of marketing. The first characteristic of direct marketing is that messages are transferred directly to consumers, without using medium communication media and mass media campaigns. The second characteristic is the principle of communication “calls to act” to consumers.
Marketing directly attracts many companies because the campaign results can be measured directly. For example, if marketers send 5,000 messages by mail and 250 responds to promotion, the company easily calculates that the campaign provides a 5% response rate.
On the other hand, other media measurements (TV, radio) must often be indirect, because there is no calculation of recipient of a measurable message. Measurement of results is a key element of each activity.
Marketing is directly practiced by the business of all sizes – from the smallest start-up company to multinational companies. The decision to use the direct marketing approach is not related to the size of the company.